Monday, July 15, 2013

SUPER Cheap Tena Pads at Publix NOW!

Tena Pads at Publix!

Tena Pads - $5.19 per pack (reg price)
$5.00/1 Tena Pads MFG coupon in 7/14 SS insert
BUY ONE, use ONE $5.00/1 coupon and you pay $.19 each!!

FREE Deodorant at Walgreens!

Walgreen's awesome deal!


Mitchum Deodorant on sale for $1.99 each!
Buy (2) Mitchum Deodorants
Use (2) $1/1 Mitchum Deodorants 7/14 SS
Pay $1.98 plus tax

BUT get back 2,000 Balance Rewards Points
which is equal to $2.00

Be on the lookout for new coupon booklets with some amazing coupons!!!

Photo: OH MY GOSH!  Check out these new PUBLIX COUPONS that you can print!!  They are part of the new PUBLIX SMART SAVINGS BOOKLET with over $80 in awesome coupons! I love it when they make them printable too!  Let us know if you find these booklets in your store!!  The coupons are good thru 8/18/13!!


FREE Velveeta Cheesy Skillets at Publix!!!! This deal is good thru Wednesday 7/17 ONLY!


FREE Velveeta Cheesy Skillets at Publix!!!! This deal is good thru Wednesday 7/17 ONLY!


BUY TWO Velveeta Cheesy Skillets or Casserole Dinner Kits, BOGO - $3.39
USE TWO $1.00/1 Velveeta Cheesy PUBLIX COUPON from the new Smart Savings Booklet or PRINTABLE (link below)
USE TWO $1.00/1 Velveeta Cheesy Skillets MFG Printable coupon (link below)
You will get BOTH FREE plus $.71 in Overage! WHAT?!!

CLICK HERE for the $1/1 Printable PUBLIX coupon:

CLICK HERE for the $1/1 Mfg coupon:

Great Deal on Prevacid!!! Print your coupons Now!

 $6.00/1 Prevacid coupon!! You will get a 14 pack for $.99 at Publix this week (Starting Thursday)!


Go to Healthcare, Scroll down for 6.00 coupon, you have to sign up to get it!